About Our Engineering

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Good product development is about finding that perfect balance between the way something looks and how it functions. We understand business fundamentals and why business applications are fundamentally different.

Product Name - "ZELENE"

A web-based product offering that integrates budget, purchase, sales, inventory, production, projects and finance across multiple locations, companies, currencies and languages.

Product Name - "PROXIMA"

A web-based product offering that integrates OPD, IPD, Pharmacy, Surgery, EMR, Wards, Nursing, Billing, TPA, Records, Pathology, Doctor Payouts, Inventory, Purchase, Payroll and Finance.

Partner with us. Buy our Products

We truly care about our customers. Which is why we are constantly improving our products for our beloved users.


Gate Entry,Pre-inward,Inward,Material Order,Outward,Dispatch,Repacking, Weighment,Labor,Billing,Financials & MIS.


Enquiry,Prospects,Products,Customers, Orders,Visits,Expenses,Approvals, Reminders,Alerts & MIS.


Budget,Purchase,Bills,Advances, Payments,Collections,Taxation, Settlements,Periods,Controls, Profit Centres,Cost Centres, Activity Costing & MIS.


Employee masters, records, structure, grade,payables,deductions,advances, attendance, salary processing, taxation, declarations, statutory reports,location & project wise MIS.

A BigSun Product

Time,Task,Project,Expense,Asset, Revenue,Shipment,Support,Service, Fleet,Cargo,Container & Logistics.

A BigSun Product

A web application that alerts you on changes in performance indicators for your company. Management through exception is the business benefit here.

A BigSun Product

A web application that manages leave & time for resources in an organization. Manage available resources better.

A BigSun Product

We provide a time tested architecture that can form completely new applications quickly. Our products form a homogeneous solution by using an intelligent integration concept.

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